Welcome, bienvenue!!

Greetings from UUEstrie, a liberal spiritual community that first gathered in the village of North Hatley back in 1886, as the First Universalist Church of North Hatley.

Salutations de l'UUEstrie, une communauté spirituelle libérale qui s'est rassemblée pour la première fois dans le village de North Hatley en 1886, sous le nom de Première Église Universaliste de North Hatley.

Join us Sundays at 10:30am for our weekly service.

Rejoignez-nous le dimanche à 10h30 pour notre service.

Latest News

March 23rd, 10:30 Witchy Ways with Melanie McCrea

Join us this Sunday at UUEstrie for a special service titled “Witchy Ways” with Melanie McCrea. Explore the spiritual path of Wicca and its connection to nature, ritual, and personal growth. All are welcome!

Date: Sunday, March 23, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church of North Hatley

Rejoignez-nous ce dimanche à UUEstrie pour un service spécial intitulé “Pratiques Sorcières” avec Mélanie McCrea. Découvrez la voie spirituelle de la Wicca et son lien avec la nature, le rituel et le développement personnel. Tout le monde est bienvenu !

Date : Dimanche 23 mars 2024
Heure : 10h30
Lieu : Église unitarienne universaliste de North Hatley

March 23 @ 10:30 am

March 16th, 10:30 Non-Violent Communication with François Beausoleil

Join us this Sunday at UUEstrie for a special service led by François Beausoleil on Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Discover how compassionate and conscious communication can transform relationships and deepen connections. All are welcome!

Sunday, March 16
10:30 AM
UUEstrie, 201 Main Street, North Hatley


Rejoignez-nous ce dimanche à UUEstrie pour un service spécial animé par François Beausoleil sur la Communication NonViolente (CNV). Découvrez comment une communication bienveillante et consciente peut transformer les relations et approfondir les liens. Tout le monde est bienvenu !

Dimanche 17 mars
UUEstrie, 201 rue Main, North Hatley

March 16 @ 10:30 am

March 9nd, 10:30 Musings on Andalucia, Réflexions sur l’Andalousie avec Camille Bouskéla

Join us as we travel through Andalucia, and explore the many cultures, civilizations and religions that have interacted over the centuries. From the beaches of Cadiz to the towering Alhambra in Granada. The sprawling Seville Cathedral to the awe – inspiring Mezquita in Cordoba. At every turn, there is rich history to uncover.

Rejoignez-nous pour un voyage à travers l’Andalousie et découvrez les nombreuses cultures, civilisations et religions qui ont interagi au fil des siècles. Des plages de Cadix à l’imposante Alhambra de Grenade, de la vaste cathédrale de Séville à l’impressionnante Mezquita de Cordoue. À chaque tournant, une histoire riche est à découvrir.

March 9 @ 10:30 am

March 2nd, 10:30 Sharing Our Faith /Partager notre foi, Whose Belonging? with Amy Panetta, Lay Chaplain

Sharing Our Faith /Partager notre foi
Whose Belonging?

Reflection written by Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz and delivered by Amy Panetta, Lay Chaplain
À qui appartient ?

Réflexion rédigée par la révérende Karen Fraser Gitlitz et présentée par Amy Panetta, aumônière laïque


“The moment I am asked about belonging, immediately a whole bunch of stories come to mind about times when I felt I didn’t belong. I am sure I’m not alone in this; it’s one of the challenges of trying to talk about belonging, how it creates complicated connections between our inner landscape, the world we find ourselves in, and the worlds we are attempting to bring about.” – Rev. Gitlitz

Karen Fraser Gitlitz (she/her) is a white, cis-gendered woman of northern European ancestry. Karen has served as a Unitarian Universalist minister since 2008 and a professional Art Therapist since 2023. Karen and her partner, musician and composer Paul Gitlitz, now make their home on the Saanich peninsula on southern Vancouver Island, BC, the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people. Karen keeps connected to congregational life through her work as Coordinator of the Meaning Making Project, this year offering 8 monthly theme packets and worship services to 15 Canadian UU congregations. Karen is also developing her private art therapy practice under the banner of Creative upWelling Art Therapy and a Community Ministry focused on the interconnections between the arts, spirituality and social justice.

March 2 @ 10:30 am

February 23rd, 10:30 The Kindness of Strangers with Kevin Jensen

In a world that often feels divided, moments of unexpected kindness remind us of our shared humanity. This Sunday at UUEstrie, guest speaker Kevin Jensen will explore the profound impact of compassion from those we don’t even know. How do small acts of generosity shape our lives? How can we cultivate a spirit of kindness in our communities?

Stay after the service for coffee, conversation, and community.

We look forward to seeing you!


Dans un monde qui semble souvent divisé, les gestes de gentillesse inattendus nous rappellent notre humanité commune. Ce dimanche à UUEstrie, notre invité Kevin Jensen explorera l’impact profond de la compassion venant de ceux que nous ne connaissons même pas. Comment les petits actes de générosité façonnent-ils nos vies ? Comment pouvons-nous cultiver un esprit de bienveillance dans nos communautés ?

☕ Restez après le service pour partager un café, des conversations et un moment de communauté.

Nous avons hâte de vous voir !

February 23 @ 10:30 am

CANCELLED ANNULÉ – February 16th, 10:30 Sharing Our Faith /Partager notre foi, Whose Belonging? with Amy Panetta, Lay Chaplain


Sharing Our Faith /Partager notre foi
Whose Belonging?

Reflection written by Rev. Karen Fraser Gitlitz and delivered by Amy Panetta, Lay Chaplain
À qui appartient ?

Réflexion rédigée par la révérende Karen Fraser Gitlitz et présentée par Amy Panetta, aumônière laïque


“The moment I am asked about belonging, immediately a whole bunch of stories come to mind about times when I felt I didn’t belong. I am sure I’m not alone in this; it’s one of the challenges of trying to talk about belonging, how it creates complicated connections between our inner landscape, the world we find ourselves in, and the worlds we are attempting to bring about.” – Rev. Gitlitz

Karen Fraser Gitlitz (she/her) is a white, cis-gendered woman of northern European ancestry. Karen has served as a Unitarian Universalist minister since 2008 and a professional Art Therapist since 2023. Karen and her partner, musician and composer Paul Gitlitz, now make their home on the Saanich peninsula on southern Vancouver Island, BC, the traditional territory of the W̱SÁNEĆ people. Karen keeps connected to congregational life through her work as Coordinator of the Meaning Making Project, this year offering 8 monthly theme packets and worship services to 15 Canadian UU congregations. Karen is also developing her private art therapy practice under the banner of Creative upWelling Art Therapy and a Community Ministry focused on the interconnections between the arts, spirituality and social justice.

February 16 @ 10:30 am

Sunday, February 2nd 10:30 AM Crystal Sound Bath Meditation with Kim Prangley

Please join us for an opportunity of relaxation, meditation, and spirituality while we are immersed in the beautiful resonating of crystal sound bowls rung by Kim Prangley. For your comfort, you may bring a yoga mat, pillow/cushion (or use one of ours), and a blanket. This meditation can be done on the floor or in a chair.


Rejoignez-nous pour une opportunité de relaxation, de méditation et de spiritualité pendant que nous sommes immergés dans la magnifique résonance des bols sonores en cristal sonnés par Kim Prangley. Pour votre confort, vous pouvez apporter un tapis de yoga, un oreiller/coussin (ou utiliser l’un des nôtres) et une couverture. Cette méditation peut se faire au sol ou sur une chaise.

February 2 @ 10:30 am

Sunday, January 26 10:30 AM – Practically Dying: Who is it MAID for? Dr. Peter Moliner

Understanding practical aspects when you or a loved one is nearing the end of life: What to know and what to expect. Medical Aid in dying will be discussed.


Comprendre les aspects pratiques lorsque vous ou un proche êtes en fin de vie : ce qu’il faut savoir et à quoi s’attendre. L’aide médicale à mourir sera abordée.

January 26 @ 10:30 am

Sunday, January 19 10:30 AM – Lessons in Non-Violence by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. led by Amy Panetta, Lay Chaplain

The work of civil rights leader, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., led to the eventual dismantling of segregation in the United States and empowered movements in achieving civil rights and human dignity around the globe. Every year on the third Monday of January, Dr. King is honored by a federal holiday in the US and celebrations worldwide. This Sunday, we will explore his strategies of non-violence which can inspire and empower our lives today.

Please join us for our service on Sunday, January 26th, entitled, “Practically Dying: Who is it MAID for?” with Dr. Peter Moliner.


Le travail du leader des droits civiques, le révérend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a conduit au démantèlement de la ségrégation aux États-Unis et a permis à des mouvements de faire valoir les droits civiques et la dignité humaine dans le monde entier. Chaque année, le troisième lundi de janvier, le Dr King est honoré par un jour férié fédéral aux États-Unis et des célébrations dans le monde entier. Ce dimanche, nous explorerons ses stratégies de non-violence qui peuvent inspirer et renforcer nos vies aujourd’hui.

Rejoignez-nous pour notre service du dimanche 26 janvier, intitulé « Pratiquement en train de mourir : à qui s’adresse l’AMM ? » avec le Dr. Peter Moliner.

January 19 @ 10:30 am