Welcome, bienvenue!!
Greetings from UUEstrie, a liberal spiritual community that first gathered in the village of North Hatley back in 1886, as the First Universalist Church of North Hatley.
Salutations de l'UUEstrie, une communauté spirituelle libérale qui s'est rassemblée pour la première fois dans le village de North Hatley en 1886, sous le nom de Première Église Universaliste de North Hatley.
Join us Sundays at 10:30am for our weekly service.
Rejoignez-nous le dimanche à 10h30 pour notre service.
An ancient Celtic tradition describes this time of year as when “the veil between the two worlds is thinnest”. In this service we encourage everyone to share a personal testimony about someone important to them who has passed away in the recent past.
Please note our Covid-19 guidelines for in-person services at https://uuestrie.ca/covid-19-guidelines/
For Halloween! People can come disguised (if you want) and Crystle will arrange some games and we could go for a walk outside.
Pour Halloween ! Les gens peuvent venir déguisés (si vous le souhaitez) et Crystle organisera des jeux et nous pourrons nous promener à l’extérieur.
Please be sure to note our Covid-19 guidelines for in-person services.
Covid-19 Guidelines
We will hear from Jonathan Ellison on his work with Water for African Women, a project that is deeply linked to UUEstrie.
Joe Weber will share special pieces from his art collection online via Zoom.
Book Launch: Carole Martignacco and Shoreline Press launch her new book of poetry, A Bowl of Orange Suns, on Saturday, October 9, at 2 p.m. Martignacco is author of the award-winning book, The Everything Seed. She will read from her new book, offer music by cellist Catherine Walker and a musician friend, and take-home orange treats. All are welcome, with masks and distancing; vaccine passport required. The event is in the UUEstrie sanctuary (upstairs), 201 Main, North Hatley.
Lancement du livre : Carole Martignacco et Shoreline Press lancent son nouveau livre de poésie, A Bowl of Orange Suns, le samedi 9 octobre à 14 h. Martignacco est l’auteur du livre primé, The Everything Seed. Elle lira un extrait de son nouveau livre, proposera de la musique de la violoncelliste Catherine Walker et d’un ami musicien, et des friandises à l’orange à emporter. Tous sont les bienvenus, avec masques et distanciation ; passeport vaccinal obligatoire. L’événement se déroule dans le sanctuaire UUEstrie (à l’étage), 201 Main, North Hatley.
A Ted Talk video shared over Zoom:
Do you sometimes have your most creative ideas while folding laundry, washing dishes or doing nothing in particular? It’s because when your body goes on autopilot, your brain gets busy forming new neural connections that connect ideas and solve problems. Manoush Zomorodi explains the connection between spacing out and creativity.
Our first in-person service since March 15, 2020 is sure to be a special one. To mark this occasion we will be holding our annual water communion service. Please see the Covid-19 guidelines at the bottom of this post to learn about the precautions we are taking to protect our community.
Everyone is invited to bring a little water and pour it into a large communal bowl and tell where it is from, or what it means to them, or whatever. Water will be available for those who fail or forget to bring some of their own. The Water Communion is a ritual that allows us to share the meaning of significant happenings that we have experienced.
Tout le monde est invité à apporter un peu d’eau et à la verser dans un grand bol commun et à dire d’où elle vient, ou ce que cela signifie pour eux, ou peu importe. L’eau sera disponible pour ceux qui échouent ou oublient d’apporter une partie de leur part. La communion de l’eau est un rituel qui nous permet de partager le sens d’événements significatifs que nous avons vécus.
UUEstrie Covid-19 Guidelines
The following guidelines are intended to ensure the safety of members, friends and visitors of UUEstrie at UUEstrie-hosted in-person events.
- You may attend an in-person event if you are fully vaccinated for Covid-19 according to the definition set by the Government of Quebec (at least 2 weeks following the second dose).
- Masks must be worn at all times indoors, including during the service, with the exception of the service leader or primary presenter.
- Hand sanitizer will be provided at the entrance and exit.
- Social distancing will be encouraged inside the church building. Some of the pews will not be available for seating to help maintain distancing.
- Services will not include congregational singing.
- Services will not include coffee hour.
Note: UUEstrie cannot guarantee the vaccination status of all members and visitors so each individual must assess the risk for themselves when deciding whether to attend in-person events.
Note this event has been cancelled due to weather. Postponed to July 25.