Experiences that expand our awareness and touch deeply the heart and soul, and we are changed. Lenora will play her flute. Service Leader: Camille Bouskéla. --------------- Des expériences qui élargissent notre conscience et touchent profondément le cœur et l'âme, et nous sommes changés. Lenora jouera de la flûte. (en anglais)
What does it mean to be a people of Belonging? What spiritual work must we do to make our community a place where every person belongs and can bring their whole selves, including culture, history, and identities? Small-group sharing and deep listening. All are welcome to come and reflect with us. This group is starting … Continue reading "Spirit Circle. Theme: Belonging"
Giving Thanks: A Thanksgiving Service at the Historical Huntingville Universalist Church. A traditional Thanksgiving service is planned at this historical church building, preserved in its original state, with 19th century box pews and balcony. A rare opportunity to see the interior of the building that is now closed to the public, and to learn about … Continue reading "Keith Baxter, “Giving Thanks”"
What I learned from the “Veiled Like Me” experiment, and reflections on Quebec’s Bill 21 (An Act Respecting the Laicity of the State) that forbids some public employees to wear “religious symbols,” including the hijab. Information about a possible court challenge to the law on the grounds that public debate was short-circuited in order to … Continue reading "Rachel Garber, “Veiled Like Me: About Bill 21”"