Sunday, August 20, at 10:30 a.m.: Music Unifies! Tales of Connection and Partnership in Transylvania with Amy Panetta

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Amy Panetta will retell stories and memories of connection through singing and music-making in Transylvania, Romania and the profound and powerful impact that music has in joining together with others, … Continue reading "Sunday, August 20, at 10:30 a.m.: Music Unifies! Tales of Connection and Partnership in Transylvania with Amy Panetta"

En Français – dimanche le 27 août, 10:30 a.m.: “Conservation des terrains autour du lac,” avec Hélène Hamel – Directrice générale Foundation Massawippi

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Hélène Hamel, directrice générale de la Fondation Massawippi, nous parlera des initiatives importantes de l'organisme. Hélène Hamel, Executive director of the Massawippi Foundation, will speak to us about important initiatives … Continue reading "En Français – dimanche le 27 août, 10:30 a.m.: “Conservation des terrains autour du lac,” avec Hélène Hamel – Directrice générale Foundation Massawippi"

Sunday, Sept 17, at 10:30 a.m.: The Story of Joseph and Our Social Justice Work, by Randy Galbraith

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

The story of Joseph being sold into slavery in Egypt is a well known story from the Hebrew Bible (Genesis 37). The Egyptians gave Joseph the unusual name Zaphenath-Paneah. We … Continue reading "Sunday, Sept 17, at 10:30 a.m.: The Story of Joseph and Our Social Justice Work, by Randy Galbraith"

En Français – dimanche 22 octobre, à 10 h 30,: “Cercle de parole, Médecine de communauté, avec Guylaine Cliche

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Guylaine Cliche, auteure, partagera les inoubliables expériences qu’elle a vécues pendant la rédaction du livre PAROLES DE PAIX EN TERRE AUTOCHTONE/ WORDS OF PEACE IN NATIVE LAND en collaboration avec … Continue reading "En Français – dimanche 22 octobre, à 10 h 30,: “Cercle de parole, Médecine de communauté, avec Guylaine Cliche"