Welcome, bienvenue!!

Greetings from UUEstrie, a liberal spiritual community that first gathered in the village of North Hatley back in 1886, as the First Universalist Church of North Hatley.

Salutations de l'UUEstrie, une communauté spirituelle libérale qui s'est rassemblée pour la première fois dans le village de North Hatley en 1886, sous le nom de Première Église Universaliste de North Hatley.

Join us Sundays at 10:30am for our weekly service.

Rejoignez-nous le dimanche à 10h30 pour notre service.

Latest News

Online via Zoom – Treasures of the Marlington Bog with Janet Cowan Weber

Janet has catalogued the flowering of numerous plants found in the Marlington Bog and particular to this special climate. She will share her photos and observations on the changes in the bog from spring through fall.

Janet a catalogué la floraison de nombreuses plantes que l’on trouve dans la troubière de Marlington et qui sont particulières à cet environnement spécial. Elle partagera ses photos et ses observations sur l’évolution dans la toubière du printemps à l’automne.

April 24, 2022 @ 10:30 am

[CANCELLED] In Person, Away from UUEstrie – WALK at Atto Beaver Park

April 10, Sunday service, 10:30 a.m.: WALK at Atto Beaver Park

We will meet in the parking lot. Here is the address: St. Francis St., Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0B3 (version française suit)

10 avril, le service du dimanche, 10 h 30. PROMENADE au parc Atto Beaver

Nous nous retrouverons sur le parking. Voici l’adresse :rue Saint-François, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0B3

April 10, 2022 @ 10:30 am

Online via Zoom – “Making your way in the world today” with Gabriella Brand – 10AM

UUEstrie will be joining this special service from FUP of Derby Line. NOTE- This service starts at 10AM, not our usual 10:30 start time.

Do you feel that you belong to your family, your community, the institutions of your town or country? Where do you feel connected? Where do you feel alienated? How can we make our way in the world today? Gabriella Brand will tell stories of belonging and alienation.

April 3, 2022 @ 10:00 am

Online via Zoom – “Funeral for Shame” with Matthew Pargeter-Villarreal

One of the biggest obstacles for us to find inner peace is the shame that we carry. Join us on a journey and a discussion of shame…and how we can finally work to say goodbye to it in our lives and for all to become the beautiful and creative beings that we are destined to be.


Matthew Pargeter-Villarreal (PAR-juh-ter VEE-ya-ray-ALL) is a Masters of Divinity graduate from Brite Divinity School with a concentration in Sexual and Gender Justice, a Candidate for Ministry with the UUA, and currently serving as the Intern Minister at First Unitarian Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He also served as a Chaplain at Baylor All Saints Medical Center in Fort Worth, TX. He and his spouse, Gabriel, are currently living in Albuquerque with their 11 year-old calico named Juliette.”

March 27, 2022 @ 10:30 am

Family Stories: Yours, Mine, and Theirs! / Histoires de famille : les vôtres, les miennes, et les leurs ! avec Gabriella Brand

Every family has stories which are told and re-told. They can be nostalgic or humorous, light or heavy. Some stories reveal psychological and emotional truths about human identity if we know how to read them. Gabriella Brand, educator, counselor, writer, lay minister, will speak about the power of the repeated narrative.Plus: Children’s Story: With the theme of “take all you want, eat all you take,” the children’s story is called “Mashed Potatoes.” A joint service with the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ottawa.

Please email info@uuestrie.ca for the link to join.


Chaque famille a des histoires qui se racontent et se re-racontent. Ils peuvent être nostalgiques ou humoristiques, légers ou lourds. Certaines histoires révèlent des vérités psychologiques et émotionnelles sur l’identité humaine si nous savons les lire. Gabriella Brand, éducatrice, conseillère, écrivaine, ministre laïque, parlera du pouvoir du récit répété.Plus : Histoire pour enfants : sur le thème “Prenez tout ce que vous voulez, mangez tout ce que vous prenez.” L’histoire pour enfants s’appelle “Purée de pommes de terre.” Un service conjoint avec l’Unitarian Universalist Fellowship d’Ottawa. (en anglais)

February 20, 2022 @ 10:30 am