Marie Moliner grew up in Sherbrooke and returned from Toronto to the Townships to better care for her spouse, Kevin Whitaker, a judge diagnosed with Parkinson's and Dementia at age 56 in 2014. Certified caregiver Sue Davies joined Marie's caregiving team in 2023. Marie and Sue will speak about the trials and jubilations of caregiving, … Continue reading "Sunday, July 7, 10:30 a.m. Lessons from the Trenches: Caregiver Blues and Bliss"
Join us for an annual picnic potluck tradition in the parking area behind the church. Bring a dish to share. We will move inside in case of bad weather. ------------- Joignez-vous à nous pour un pique-nique annuel traditionnel dans le parking derrière l'église. Apportez un plat à partager. Nous nous déplacerons à l'intérieur en cas … Continue reading "Sunday July 21, 10:30 a.m.: “Annual picnic potluck!,”"
Unitarian Universalists often name the experience of "transcending mystery and wonder" as a foundational element of a spiritual life. This service will reflect on two contemporary stories about the intermingling of the sacred and the secular, inviting us to consider how we welcome mystery and wonder, within and beyond sanctuaries on Sunday morning. A very … Continue reading "Sunday July 28 , 10:30 a.m.: “Mystery’s Meetingplace” with Revs. Heather Janules and Janet Parsons"
Maxime Levesque, Heather Davis, and Carl Lemaire, all residents of Sherbrooke, have had trouble agreeing on a name for their trio, but The Georgian Harmony Trio is apt because the group was founded based on a shared enthusiasm for singing Georgian polyphony. Maxime discovered his first Georgian song when he was singing with Le Choeur … Continue reading "Sunday August 4, 10:30 a.m.: “Georgian and Corsican trio” with Max, Carl and Heather"