This Friday, May 3, between 9 a.m. and noon. Mary Lynn asks our help for UUEstrie's spring clean-up. If you can give an hour or so sometime between 9 a.m. and noon, could you please contact us at All are welcome! ~~~~~~~~~~ Ce vendredi, 3 mai, entre 9 h et midi. Mary Lynn demande … Continue reading "Friday 3: 9 am – “Spring Cleanup!”"
Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016 “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”. Stuart will explore this citation by examining the spiritual dimension of Bob’s work across different music genres, illustrating it with examples of song performances over the years. Stuart McKelvie was a member … Continue reading "Dr. Stuart McKelvie, “Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize : Spiritual Matters”"
Spirit Circle. Thursday, May 9, at 7:15 p.m. Theme: Curiosity. All are welcome! Small-group sharing and deep listening. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Groupe de l'Esprit. Jeudi 9 mai à 19h15. Thème: Curiosité. Le partage et l'écoute profonde en groupe. Tous sont les bienvenus !
A Music service led by Nicholas Williams and members of local choir Les Voix du Village Musician: Nicholas Williams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Un service de chant animé par Nicholas Williams et des membres du choeur Les Voix du Village. Dimanche 12 mai à 10h30. Musician: Nicholas Williams
We welcome back for another visit the Reverend Brendan Hadash. Brendan was our minister in the 1980s, when we shared him with Derby Line and West Burke VT. Now retired from full time ministry, he continues to share a reflection in our worship service from time to time. This time he will reflect on the … Continue reading "Rev. Brendan Hadash, “Canadian Unitarianism: Past, Present, and Future”"
In 2018, Amanda was diagnosed with placenta percreta, a complication during pregnancy which carries the risk of life-threatening hemorrhage during delivery. Amanda will share her experiences as well as reflect on the challenges women face during high-risk pregnancy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ En 2018, Amanda a été diagnostiquée avec du placenta percreta, une complication pendant la grossesse qui … Continue reading "Amanda Hillenburg, “High-risk pregnancy and women’s health”"
We all face difficult choices in our lives. As a parent and advocate for her autistic son, Angela Leuck has had to make many gut-wrenching decisions relating to his health, education and security. Her experiences have led her to think deeply about the decision-making process. She will share some of her insights on how - … Continue reading "Angela Leuck, “Tough Choices: The Art and Science of Decision-making”"