Come celebrate Poem in your Pocket Day with poetry, candlelight, and delicacies. Come and listen, or bring a favourite poem or one of your own to read in the language of your choice. In the midst of National Poetry Month, Poem in Your Pocket Day is an international movement that encourages folks to center poetry … Continue reading "“Poetry Coffee House”"
"To what purpose, April, do you return again? Beauty is not enough." - Edna St. Vincent Millay. Easter and Earth Day appear together this year, as they should. Come celebrate with poetry, story and song. (en anglais) This is a very special service as it is the last one led by our dear minister before … Continue reading "Rev. Carole Martignacco, “To what purpose, April?”"
A fundraising dinner and silent auction, co-sponsored by UUEstrie, held at Restaurant Shalimar in Lennoxville. This will be the 6th annual celebration of this event for the benefit of Child Haven International, a Canadian Charity based in Maxville ON, which provides homes for over 1,000 formerly destitute children in south Asia. All more than welcome. … Continue reading "Robin Cappuccino, “6th annual fundraising indian dinner and silent auction”"
This Friday, May 3, between 9 a.m. and noon. Mary Lynn asks our help for UUEstrie's spring clean-up. If you can give an hour or so sometime between 9 a.m. and noon, could you please contact us at All are welcome! ~~~~~~~~~~ Ce vendredi, 3 mai, entre 9 h et midi. Mary Lynn demande … Continue reading "Friday 3: 9 am – “Spring Cleanup!”"
Bob Dylan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016 “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”. Stuart will explore this citation by examining the spiritual dimension of Bob’s work across different music genres, illustrating it with examples of song performances over the years. Stuart McKelvie was a member … Continue reading "Dr. Stuart McKelvie, “Bob Dylan’s Nobel Prize : Spiritual Matters”"