Dr. Adele Ernstrom, “Dark Memories Haunted Jefferson Davis in Quebec”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

“Dark Memories haunted Jefferson Davis in Quebec”, a paper by recently deceased Bishop’s professor Robert MacGregor, will be presented by Dr. Adele Ernstrom on November 25. Prof. MacGregor’s research examines local responses to Jefferson Davis’s presence in Quebec. They range from reports he arrived in Lennoxville in his wife’s clothes, to threats from a Stanstead … Continue reading "Dr. Adele Ernstrom, “Dark Memories Haunted Jefferson Davis in Quebec”"

Rachel Garber and Dr. Adele Ernstrom, “Write for Rights”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Our annual worship service devoted to aiding the cause of persons around the world whose rights have been violated in any of a number of ways, such as political prisoners incarcerated for their activism in the cause of social justice. There will be an opportunity to write letters of support in a number of cases … Continue reading "Rachel Garber and Dr. Adele Ernstrom, “Write for Rights”"

Rev. Brendan Hadash, “The Gospel of Thomas”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Could the gospel of Thomas possibly be the missing Unitarian Universalist book of the bible? To answer this question all we need to do is explain what we believe to be the core of Unitarian Universalism, explain how the whole New Testament came to be written, and then look at the Gospel of Thomas itself … Continue reading "Rev. Brendan Hadash, “The Gospel of Thomas”"

Annual Xmas Pageant and Turkey Supper

This year's pageant explores the themes of Hygge and Adventure. A community turkey supper will follow. All are welcome! Suggested donation $10 for adults; $5 for children over 6 years old.


UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Once a year we choose to feed our souls on a Sunday morning through the time-honored medium of Story, nothing but stories. All are welcome to tell if they like, in English or in French, or just listen. Should you wish to tell, please let Keith know. A potluck lunch will follow the storytelling. All … Continue reading "Storytelling"

David Turner, “The Balancing Act”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

This is an annual tradition at UUEstrie, already. A participatory service of gentle but extraordinary movement exercises for all. No better way to get yourself centered.

“Stories, Stories, Stories” presented by several tellers

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Our annual Storytelling service, previously scheduled for Jan 20, will now take place on Sunday February 3, and be followed by a potluck lunch after the storytelling. All Welcome to come listen to stories, or tell a story, as well as to stay for potluck lunch.

Amy Panetta, “Drum and Song Circle”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

This will be a participatory gathering in our Stoddard Hall–a Drum and Song Circle led by Amy Panetta. Amy is a UU from New Jersey, now living in the Townships. She is a music teacher by profession, and looking forward to leading us in this activity, one of our ‘alternate’ winter services. We will build … Continue reading "Amy Panetta, “Drum and Song Circle”"

Rev. Mead Baldwin, “Sometimes God has a Children’s Face”

Rev. Mead Baldwin was born and raised in Baldwin's Mills," one of God's most Beautiful places". With post secondary studies in pure and Applied Science, Religious Studies, and Ministry, he was ordained into the United Church ministry in 1979 and served in New Brunswick, and in the Ottawa area before returning to the Townships ten … Continue reading "Rev. Mead Baldwin, “Sometimes God has a Children’s Face”"

Ms. Rachel Garber, “Thoreau’s Walden”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Henry David Thoreau was part of the Transcendentalist movement in the mid 19th century in Concord, Massachusetts, United States. He spent some time alone in a cabin on Walden Pond reflecting on life, nature, and humankind. Rachel Garber has been a lifelong reader of Thoreau, and has visited Walden Pond twice.