Rev. Carole Martignacco and Mrs Phyllis Baxter, “UN Sunday”

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

An annual event at UUEstrie where we honor the United Nations' efforts for a peaceful world. This year's theme is Migration, focusing on the many people who have left their homelands in search of a safe and decent life elsewhere. The offering this morning will be dedicated to the UU United Nations Office.

Rev. Carole Martignacco, “Honoring our Ancestors”

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Our theme for the Month of November is "Memory". Note: Daylight Savings Time ends this day: Fall back or be early to church! Also this Sunday after the worship service, we shall have a little celebration of the completion of a project initiated and driven by Mary Lynn Ross: the production of pew cushions for … Continue reading "Rev. Carole Martignacco, “Honoring our Ancestors”"

Rev. Carole Martignacco, “We Remember”

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Honoring the war dead both civilian and military on this Remembrance Day.