Rachel Garber & Adele Ernstrom, “Write for Rights”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

An invitation to participate in Amnesty International Advocacy for social justice. We will learn about selected cases where human rights are being denied, and write letters advocating for justice. Drafts of letters are provided. ~~~~~~ Une invitation à participer à l'événement d'Amnesty International pour plaider pour la justice sociale. Pour certains cas de violation des … Continue reading "Rachel Garber & Adele Ernstrom, “Write for Rights”"

An In and Out Cat Christmas

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Our annual Dramatic Presentation to be followed once again by a Community Turkey supper. All Welcome.

Singing the Joy of Christmas

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

A service of carols with perhaps a few readings mixed in, to put us again into the holiday mood we deserve and need.

[Cancelled due to weather] Phyllis Baxter, “Qi Gong”

UUEstrie - RE Room (downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

A participatory service exploring the ancient Chinese practice of meditation and movement called Qi Gong. Un service participatif explorant l'ancienne pratique chinoise de méditation et de mouvement appelé Qi Gong.

Amy Panetta, “Breathing Life Into Cold Winter: Honoring Imbolc and Brigid`s Day”

UUEstrie - RE Room (downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

January and February in Quebec are quite cold and frosty, but the upcoming agricultural holiday of Imbolc on February 1st celebrates the beginning of springtime in Celtic lands. Imbolc has also been associated with the feast day for Sainte Brigid. Together, we will explore the historical figure of Sainte Brigid and traditions and songs associated … Continue reading "Amy Panetta, “Breathing Life Into Cold Winter: Honoring Imbolc and Brigid`s Day”"

Angela Leuck, “In Praise of Winter” / “À la gloire de l’hiver”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

“Winter kept us warm” - T.S. Eliot. Angela Leuck, aided by her husband Steve Luxton, will warm us up with a selection of classic and contemporary poems and music inspired by winter. After the service, stay for a hearty and delicious soup lunch! Then, weather permitting, we will go cross-country skiing, so bring along you skis, … Continue reading "Angela Leuck, “In Praise of Winter” / “À la gloire de l’hiver”"

Various Tellers / Divers conteurs, “Histoires, histoires, histoires”

UUEstrie - RE Room (downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Histoires, histoires, histoires. Dimanche 19 janvier, à 10 h 30, avec divers conteurs. Notre service annuel de narration où nous en apprenons plus sur ce qu'est vraiment la vie, à travers le support historique d’Histoire. Si vous souhaitez peut-être raconter une histoire ce jour-là, veuillez en parler à Keith. Musicien : Mike Matheson. Musician: Mike Matheson … Continue reading "Various Tellers / Divers conteurs, “Histoires, histoires, histoires”"

Rev. Mead Baldwin, “The Art of Scripture”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Karen Armstrong's latest book is entitled the Art of Scripture, and is reportedly another high quality, thoughtful foray into spiritual life that has inspired Mead. Our last exploration of the work of Karen Armstrong was several years ago when a group of us studied her "12 Steps to Compassion".  

Keith Baxter, “Making Waves”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

'Making Waves' is also the theme for the CUC conference to be held in Halifax this year from May 15 to 17. The theme encourages Unitarian Universalists across Canada to 'make waves' that embody justice and push us to remain relevant into the future. The offering this Sunday will be a special collection for the … Continue reading "Keith Baxter, “Making Waves”"