Calendar of Events
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Sunday, February 2nd 10:30 AM Crystal Sound Bath Meditation with Kim Prangley
Sunday, February 2nd 10:30 AM Crystal Sound Bath Meditation with Kim Prangley
Please join us for an opportunity of relaxation, meditation, and spirituality while we are immersed in the beautiful resonating of crystal sound bowls rung by Kim Prangley. For your comfort, you may bring a yoga mat, pillow/cushion (or use one of ours), and a blanket. This meditation can be done on the floor or in … Continue reading "Sunday, February 2nd 10:30 AM Crystal Sound Bath Meditation with Kim Prangley"
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February 9th, 10:30 Games Day with Crystle Reid Journée des jeux avec Crystle Reid
February 9th, 10:30 Games Day with Crystle Reid Journée des jeux avec Crystle Reid
An annual tradition at UUEstrie where we explore the spirit of play. Crystle Reid will lead us in exploring our playful spirit! Une tradition annuelle à l'UUEstrie où l'on explore l'esprit du jeu. Crystle Reid nous guidera dans l'exploration de notre esprit ludique !