Welcome, bienvenue!!

Greetings from UUEstrie, a liberal spiritual community that first gathered in the village of North Hatley back in 1886, as the First Universalist Church of North Hatley.

Salutations de l'UUEstrie, une communauté spirituelle libérale qui s'est rassemblée pour la première fois dans le village de North Hatley en 1886, sous le nom de Première Église Universaliste de North Hatley.

Join us Sundays at 10:30am for our weekly service.

Rejoignez-nous le dimanche à 10h30 pour notre service.

Latest News

National Sunday Service – “Celebration and Contemplation: The Path of an 8th Principle.” – 1PM EST

On Sunday, Feb 6, 2022 we will skip or normal service time in order join the national service. Please see the details below from the Canadian Unitarian Council:

As part of CUC Month, we offer a national Sunday Service on February 6th as the Sharing Our Faith service. Coordinated by Revs. Victoria Ingram and Meghann Robern, the service is titled “Celebration and Contemplation: The Path of an 8th Principle.”

Unitarians and Universalists have been on the forefront of social change and justice seeking for hundreds of years. In November 2021, congregations of the Canadian Unitarian Council once again stepped forward, this time to commit ourselves to dismantling racism and systemic barriers to full inclusion for all people. Be part of celebrating this commitment to foundational social change as we contemplate the steps we take to move forward in our commitment to justice in ourselves, our denomination, and our larger society.

Join us live on Zoom or the CUC’s YouTube channel; the service will be made available early the following week for your congregation’s use if you are unable to attend.

Call-in toll-free: 1-855 703 8985; Meeting ID 847 1005 5117; Passcode: 482463

February 6, 2022 @ 1:00 pm

Online via zoom – Various Tellers / Divers conteurs, “Histoires, histoires, histoires”

Histoires, histoires, histoires. Notre service annuel de narration où nous en apprenons plus sur ce qu’est vraiment la vie, à travers le support historique d’Histoire. Si vous souhaitez peut-être raconter une histoire ce jour-là, veuillez en parler à Keith.

Our Annual storytelling service where we learn more of what life is really about, through the time-honoured medium of Story. If you would perhaps like to tell on that day, please speak to Keith.



January 16, 2022 @ 10:30 am

Online via Zoom – Rev. Mead Baldwin, Finding the Holy in the Ordinary

Rev. Mead Baldwin will lead us in an online service.

How a teenage pregnancy, a stable, and some simple shepherds experienced the divine, through an ordinary childbirth…. Where do we fit in? In the Bethlehem story, so we see ourselves as shepherds, a dad, a teenage Mom, an innkeeper? … Perhaps wise sages… looking for signs in the stars… or angels, messengers of comfort, love and hope.

Dimanche19 décembre, 10 h 30 : Trouver le saint dans l’ordinaire, avec le révérend Mead Baldwin (en anglais)

Comment une grossesse d’adolescente, une écurie, et quelques simples bergers ont vécu le divin, à travers un accouchement ordinaire… Où nous situons-nous ? Dans l’histoire de Bethléem, nous nous voyons donc comme des bergers, un papa, une maman adolescente, un aubergiste ? … Peut-être des sages… à la recherche de signes dans les étoiles… ou des anges, messagers de réconfort, d’amour et d’espoir.

December 19, 2021 @ 10:30 am