We all have special interests and life passions, ones which enhance the world and make it a wonderful place. The journey of meaningful activities and mastering skills is a profound adventure with rewards and challenges along the way. Whether you practice yoga, music instruments, act on stage, improve your gardening, engage in team sports, pursue … Continue reading "June 2 – Life Lessons in Honing Your Craft, with Amy Panetta"
Join us this Father's Day for a special service celebrating the diverse roles and experiences of fathers and father figures. We will explore the complexities of fatherhood and masculinity through readings, a short sermon, and an opportunity for the congregation to share personal reflections and memories. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rejoignez-nous ce jour de la fête des pères … Continue reading "June 16 – The Many Faces of Fatherhood, with Ryan Frizzell"
June 23, Sunday service, 10:30 a.m.: WALK at Atto Beaver Park We will meet in the parking lot. Here is the address: St. Francis St., Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0B3 (version française suit) Note: Please check uuestrie.ca in case of bad weather for cancellation. 10 sept, le service du dimanche, 10 h 30. PROMENADE au parc … Continue reading "CANCELLED due to weather – June 23 – Away from UUEstrie – WALK at Atto Beaver Park"
Carlye and Aaron will facilitate a community exercise called History and Heritage. The idea is not to do a presentation of written history, but rather to paint a living history of UU Estrie, together, in a live setting. Collectively, our members carry on a rich living experience that often goes back many years-or even many … Continue reading "Sunday, June 30, 10:30 a.m. History and Heritage, with Aaron Ricker & Carlye Watson"