As we approach the days of longer sunlight in the northern hemisphere, we reflect on the various traditions and symbolism at this time of year, including celebrations dedicated to St. John/St-Jean-Baptiste in various countries. The symbol of the intentionally lit bonfire is potent, but contrasts sharply with wildfires burning out of control. Together, we ponder … Continue reading "June 11, Sunday service, 10:30 a.m.: “The Warmth of the Sun”, with Amy Panetta"
Join us for a Father's Day themed sharing service led by Ryan Frizzell. Special music featuring organ, guitar, and trumpet. Rejoignez-nous pour un service de partage sur le thème de la fête des pères dirigé par Ryan Frizzell. Musique spéciale avec orgue, guitare et trompette.
Nous vous invitons à bénéficier d'un service exceptionnel intitulé : "Tranché ou non tranché - Comment trouver la solution à nos problèmes." We invite you to benefit from an exceptional service entitled: "Sliced or not sliced - How to find the solution to our problems."
Join us for a reflection on "Anne of Green Gables" with Crystle Reid. Joignez-vous à nous pour une réflexion sur "Anne of Green Gables" avec Crystle Reid.