“The most delicate flower is still a badass, it sucks food from roots, stares at the sun and basks in it. It wrestles the wind, and drinks rain." - Rob Grad. Small-group sharing and deep listening. All are welcome to come and reflect with us. Speak the language of your choice. If you would like … Continue reading "“Spirit Circle – Theme: Resilience” / “Groupe de l’Esprit – Thème : Résilience”"
'Making Waves' is also the theme for the CUC conference to be held in Halifax this year from May 15 to 17. The theme encourages Unitarian Universalists across Canada to 'make waves' that embody justice and push us to remain relevant into the future. The offering this Sunday will be a special collection for the … Continue reading "Keith Baxter, “Making Waves”"
This Sunday will be International Women`s day. A holiday honoring women was instituted by the Soviet Union, which was the first modern country to give women the vote, back in 1917. This holiday was formally recognized by the United Nations in 1975. Garrett Halas is a professor of sociology, at Bishop`s University. Coffee Convenor: Gudrun … Continue reading "Prof. Garrett Halas"
Once a year we invite members and friends of our congregation to a 'social, Sunday called Games Day. Families and children are welcome as well as adults of all ages. Bring a game or two share if you like. Juice and popcorn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nous invitons les membres et amis de notre congrégation à un dimanche … Continue reading "“Games Day” / “Journée des jeux”"
Dear Friends, Please join us for a virtual service at 10:30AM via Zoom using the following details: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/163341479 Or dial in using this Montreal telephone number: 1-438-809-7799. Meeting ID: 163 341 479