David Turner, “The Balancing Act”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

This is an annual tradition at UUEstrie, already. A participatory service of gentle but extraordinary movement exercises for all. No better way to get yourself centered.

“Stories, Stories, Stories” presented by several tellers

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Our annual Storytelling service, previously scheduled for Jan 20, will now take place on Sunday February 3, and be followed by a potluck lunch after the storytelling. All Welcome to come listen to stories, or tell a story, as well as to stay for potluck lunch.

Amy Panetta, “Drum and Song Circle”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

This will be a participatory gathering in our Stoddard Hall–a Drum and Song Circle led by Amy Panetta. Amy is a UU from New Jersey, now living in the Townships. She is a music teacher by profession, and looking forward to leading us in this activity, one of our ‘alternate’ winter services. We will build … Continue reading "Amy Panetta, “Drum and Song Circle”"

Rev. Mead Baldwin, “Sometimes God has a Children’s Face”

Rev. Mead Baldwin was born and raised in Baldwin's Mills," one of God's most Beautiful places". With post secondary studies in pure and Applied Science, Religious Studies, and Ministry, he was ordained into the United Church ministry in 1979 and served in New Brunswick, and in the Ottawa area before returning to the Townships ten … Continue reading "Rev. Mead Baldwin, “Sometimes God has a Children’s Face”"

Ms. Rachel Garber, “Thoreau’s Walden”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Henry David Thoreau was part of the Transcendentalist movement in the mid 19th century in Concord, Massachusetts, United States. He spent some time alone in a cabin on Walden Pond reflecting on life, nature, and humankind. Rachel Garber has been a lifelong reader of Thoreau, and has visited Walden Pond twice.

Eric Akbar Manolson, “The Power of Music to Heal and Strengthen”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Eric Akbar is a local professional musician and friend of UUEstrie, who is called from time to time to help heal the spirits of those in need. He recently participated in the World Parliament of Religions that was held in Toronto.

Ms. Kate Reed, “Journey to Alaska” / Voyage en Alaska

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Kate and partner Raymond traveled across the country all the way to Alaska, making contact with indigenous people along the way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avec l’esprit d’aventure, Kate Reed et Raymond L'Italien (tous deux âgés de plus de 75 ans) ont conduit leur petit véhicule de plaisance sur 20 500 km, soit 2 mois et demi pour … Continue reading "Ms. Kate Reed, “Journey to Alaska” / Voyage en Alaska"

“Games Day” / “Journée des jeux”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Once a year we invite members and friends of our congregation to a 'social, Sunday called Games Day. Families and children are welcome as well as adults of all ages. Bring a game or two share if you like. Juice and popcorn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nous invitons les membres et amis de notre congrégation à un dimanche … Continue reading "“Games Day” / “Journée des jeux”"

“Poetry Coffee House”

UUEstrie - Stoddard Hall (Downstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

Come celebrate Poem in your Pocket Day with poetry, candlelight, and delicacies. Come and listen, or bring a favourite poem or one of your own to read in the language of your choice. In the midst of National Poetry Month, Poem in Your Pocket Day is an international movement that encourages folks to center poetry … Continue reading "“Poetry Coffee House”"

Rev. Carole Martignacco, “To what purpose, April?”

UUEstrie - Sanctuary (Upstairs) 201 Rue Main, North Hatley, QC, Canada

"To what purpose, April, do you return again? Beauty is not enough." - Edna St. Vincent Millay. Easter and Earth Day appear together this year, as they should. Come celebrate with poetry, story and song. (en anglais) This is a very special service as it is the last one led by our dear minister before … Continue reading "Rev. Carole Martignacco, “To what purpose, April?”"