Online via Zoom – Rev. Mead Baldwin, Finding the Holy in the Ordinary

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Rev. Mead Baldwin will lead us in an online service. How a teenage pregnancy, a stable, and some simple shepherds experienced the divine, through an ordinary childbirth.... Where do we fit in? In the Bethlehem story, so we see ourselves as shepherds, a dad, a teenage Mom, an innkeeper? ... Perhaps wise sages... looking for … Continue reading "Online via Zoom – Rev. Mead Baldwin, Finding the Holy in the Ordinary"

Online via zoom – Various Tellers / Divers conteurs, “Histoires, histoires, histoires”

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Histoires, histoires, histoires. Notre service annuel de narration où nous en apprenons plus sur ce qu'est vraiment la vie, à travers le support historique d’Histoire. Si vous souhaitez peut-être raconter une histoire ce jour-là, veuillez en parler à Keith. Our Annual storytelling service where we learn more of what life is really about, through the … Continue reading "Online via zoom – Various Tellers / Divers conteurs, “Histoires, histoires, histoires”"

National Sunday Service – “Celebration and Contemplation: The Path of an 8th Principle.” – 1PM EST

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On Sunday, Feb 6, 2022 we will skip or normal service time in order join the national service. Please see the details below from the Canadian Unitarian Council: As part of CUC Month, we offer a national Sunday Service on February 6th as the Sharing Our Faith service. Coordinated by Revs. Victoria Ingram and Meghann Robern, … Continue reading "National Sunday Service – “Celebration and Contemplation: The Path of an 8th Principle.” – 1PM EST"

Family Stories: Yours, Mine, and Theirs! / Histoires de famille : les vôtres, les miennes, et les leurs ! avec Gabriella Brand

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Every family has stories which are told and re-told. They can be nostalgic or humorous, light or heavy. Some stories reveal psychological and emotional truths about human identity if we know how to read them. Gabriella Brand, educator, counselor, writer, lay minister, will speak about the power of the repeated narrative.Plus: Children’s Story: With the … Continue reading "Family Stories: Yours, Mine, and Theirs! / Histoires de famille : les vôtres, les miennes, et les leurs ! avec Gabriella Brand"