How seldom do we pause to get inside the skin of our natural surroundings, and let nature into our hearts! Oh, the power of a tree to still the mind. And the power of a poem to awaken it in a new realm.
We are delighted to offer readings by two poets on the theme of Nature, this February and March 2016.
Angela Leuck revealed the world of Haiku to us on February 28, and gave a reading of her Haiku poems about nature. Her title was “Time Out for the Rainbow: Appreciating Nature through Haiku.”
And Steve Luxton is giving us a reading of his poems, “The Poetry of Nature: From the Bible to Ecopoetics.” on March 20 at 10:30 a.m. (Yes, that’s Treehugger Steve in the photo above.)
Both readings are at UUEstrie, 201 Main St., North Hatley, in the lower level, Stoddard Hall. They are in English. Admission is open – all are welcome. Refreshments follow.
Both Angela and Steve are published authors, with long and distinguished paths in the world of poetry. We are honoured by their gifts to our community.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts, the Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018 Education, Immigration, Communities, and the Quebec Writers’ Federation, which offered honoraria to the two writers.